Getting Started

Try Timvir online

Open the Timvir Template in CodeSandbox and start editing right away! This is the quickest way to discover what Timvir is and what you can do with it.

Add Timvir to an existing project

If you have an existing project and want to add Timvir to it, follow one these guides which are specific to the framework which you use:


Timvir assumes a very specific setup of your Next.js project. In particular:

  • Source must be placed into the src/ folder, and consequently, pages are placed in src/pages/.
  • Your components are placed into src/components/.
  • Timvir assumes management of the src/pages/docs/components/ folder.
  • Timvir specific integration code is placed into src/timvir/ (eg. src/timvir/toc.ts).

If you Next.js project has a compatible setup, follow these steps:

  1. Add mdxjs support into your project.
  2. Create a page wrapper. Copy the following code into src/timvir/wrapper.tsx:

  1. Create (or update) your _app.tsx file to load the Timvir CSS:

  1. Create your first Timvir page. Place the following code into src/pages/docs/index.mdx:

  1. Open http://localhost:3000/docs/ to view the page you just created.